Chincoteague Island is the most romantic place in the world!
Having a few laughs with Capt.Walter.
Hang'n out at the waterfront tiki huts
Come on a tour with Snug Harbor and get upclose and personal with the wild Chincoteague ponies. We book up fast so make your booking for your tour when you plan your vacation, don't miss out on this incredible experience.
Capt. John is the President / CEO of Snug Harbor Resort as well as customer service rep,desk clerk,hotel reservation operator,tourist concierge,boat cleaner,local weatherman and Chincoteague tour guide.
Snug Harbor in Chincoteague is the best location for your special wedding day!
Night falls on Snug Harbor.
What a pretty sunset off Chincoteague Island.
The retired President and CEO of Snug Harbor, Nancy Shields with most loyal customer Mable Heider.She has been staying at Snug Harbor for over 50 years! Out of those 50 years she has only missed one year 2012 because of health issues. We love you Mrs. Heider and we are praying for you!
A beautiful sunset in Chincoteague Island.
Snug Harbor has the most incredible sunrise views!
Customers enjoying a seafood treat at the waterfront tiki bars!